Brook & Bowls

Sonic Resonance

Meditative and energizing high resolution multi channel non-looped recording of Vallecito Brook deep in the remote wilderness of Colorado, USA. Also utilizes 8 antique, hand hammered "sacred metal" Tibetan singing bowls and Isochronic brainwave patterns.

Meditative and energizing high resolution multi channel non-looped recording of Vallecito

Meditative and energizing high resolution multi channel non-looped recording of Vallecito Brook deep in the remote wilderness of Colorado, USA. Also utilizes 8 antique, hand hammered "sacred metal" Tibetan singing bowls and Isochronic brainwave patterns.

Meditative and energizing high resolution multi channel non-looped recording of Vallecito Brook deep in the remote wilderness of Colorado, USA. Tracks 1 and 2 also feature 8 antique, hand hammered "sacred metal" Tibetan singing bowls and track 2 utilizes Isochronic brainwave patterns gradually going from Alpha to Beta to Gamma for the enhancement of mood and to beat depression.

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